About Bombsyte

BOMBSYTEtheatre is honest.

Bombsyte travels together, works together, eats together…. wrote this together. Together we strive to bring the strange and wonderful chaos of everyday life to the stage.

Fact: Laughter decreases blood pressure and gives the facial, leg, back, abdominal, respiratory and diaphragm muscles a good workout… so yes! You’re welcome in advance for your newly toned physique.  

We seek to discover hidden truths and stories in everyday life and bring them to the stage the best way we know how. With our group connection and closeness our work takes a comedic spin and leaves our audience reeling in pain from the side splitting laughter they’ve just endured.  

We want to let an audience in on our experiences. We don’t want to hide the fact that we are real people telling real stories.

We are a small, company who use minimal set. We are based in Bedford and plan on touring around the U.K and Ireland. And eventually the world.

p.s We are young and have a knack for devising.



1 Response to About Bombsyte

  1. Berni says:

    Good luck in your new venture. You all deserve success xx

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